Rarely is history made in December when it comes to the hog and pork industry, but this past week has provided the industry with something to be truly excited about.
Recent strength in many pork primal cuts have resulted in the new record overall, continuing the pace which started earlier in the year.
This past Friday's pork cutout was reported at $94.61/cwt, a gain of $3.45 from the Friday previous and brings cutout $10.28/cwt over last year, a new high for the month of December long term.
Wholesale hams are a major contributor to the strength trading above $100 at $102.96/cwt, a value not seen since mid August and a value never registered before in history for hams in the month of December.
Pork cutouts’ relationship to CME cash has also maintained a normal spread which indicates packers continue to operate within historical margin parameters passing on much of the meat strength to the industry through cash markets.