The latest US Cold Storage numbers reported pork stocks at 426.0 million pounds for October, down 32.4m pounds from Sep and 11.8m pounds under year-ago levels.
Three of the main pork categories recorded decreased quantities from the previous month - most notably the drop in hams and bellies. Ham stocks fell 39.2m pounds from Sep quantities but remain are 2.6m pounds (2.3%) above last year. Belly stocks fell 1.5m pounds from Sep quantities and are 11.8m pounds (42.1%) under last year. The category accounting for Other pork fell 1.7m pounds from previously reported.
Spare-ribs and picnics were the largest gainers in thepast month with ribs up 7.1m pounds on the month, and 2.8m pounds above last year while picnics rose 0.95m pounds (16.7%) over last month. Loins were virtually flat month over month and were within 1.3% of the year ago numbers.
In contrast to pork competing meats in cold storage were higher for the month of September. Total beef in cold storage was up notably, gaining 19.4m pounds from Sep stocks but remain 13.8m pounds under last year's supplies, while total chicken (including broilers, fryers & roasters) rose 29.5m pounds for Sep and are 50.3m pounds under a year earlier.