What a difference a year can make. Twelve months ago in November of 2023 hog producers in Canada were faced with negative margins associated with high feed costs, poor hog prices and a relatively flat Canadian dollar. Fast forward to today and you will see that Canadian and US hog producers are experiencing record margins influenced by the opposite of all 3 influences seen just 12 months ago.
Feed prices across the nation have normalized and retreated to “reasonable” levels, hog prices are near or at record highs for this time of year and the Canadian dollar has dropped to a 4.5 year low providing a very favorable exhange rate for Canadian producers.
The historical margin graph illustrated below really puts into persective the magnitude of current margins compared to recent years. Not any other year in the last 10 have Canadian hog producers experienced positive margins, let alone margins in the $40+ per hog range. By this time of year, seasonal slaughter levels have climbed to budensome levels and cash hog bids begin their decline eroding margins until generally the second quarter of the next year. However 2024 and the start of 2025 appear to be different.
Margins are robust as ever, rivaling mid-summer levels of previous years. As always producers have the ability to protect against major changes in the market place and these current levels ceratinly offer that opporuntiy.