Snapshot of Hog Slaughter & Pork Production in North America

Submitted by Suze Nolin on Fri, 03/01/2024 - 09:08


  • The latest US federally inspected hog slaughter was reported at 2,549 thousand head: down 29 thousand head or -1.1% from the previous week, +1.0% over the same week last year and +1.3% over last year-to-date.
  • US sow slaughter for the week ending Feb 17 fell -4.9% or 3,300 head from the prior week to 64,000 head, which is +6.1% over last year and up +4.7% YTD.

    US Slaughter

  • US pork production slipped -1.4% or 7.8 million lbs lower than the previous week to 551.1 million pounds for the latest week, bringing overall production +0.6% over last year and up +1.1% compared to last year-to-date.
  • Weekly average barrow and gilt weights in the ISM reporting area for the week ending Mar 2nd were reported at 287.3 lbs, down 0.4 of a pound or -0.1% from a week earlier but +0.5% over year-ago levels. Year-to-date, current hog weights are up +0.9% compared to the same weeks in 2023.

    US Production & Hog Weights

  • Canadian market hog slaughter for the week ending Feb 24th (a holiday week in many provinces) at 370.2 thousand head decreased 25.2 thousand or -6.4% on the week, bringing current rates -4.1% under last year and -4.7% compared to the same weeks in 2023.
  • Canadian sow slaughter was reported at 2,323 head for the same week, down 429 head or -15.6% from the week previous. Compared to last year, current Canadian sow slaughter rates are up a whopping +39.0% from the same week last year and +31.1% over last year-to-date.
  • Canadian pork production numbers are estimates derived from current slaughter rates and an annual average of slaughter hog weights. Based on these, Canadian pork production for the reporting week was -6.4% or 2,838 MT lower, and is -3.4% under last year and -4.2% compared to last year-to-date.

    CDN Slaughter